Border shopping around Baarle-Nassau and Ravels

Baarle-Hertog, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 138765

Provided by: Groots Genieten

59.7 km
03:30 h
1053 kcal
37 m


You drive to Baarle-Nassau and Baarle-Hertog, the unique enclave village where the borders have been made visible with special pavement tiles and aluminum plates in the road surface. You cycle through the natural landscape to the Belgian Poppel, a nice village where you can admire the striking town hall. Then you drive through De Utrecht, a 2500-hectare estate that was mined in 1898 as an investment by the life insurance company of the same name. You can get off at the Panneven to enjoy the silence. You drive through the woods to Ravels, another charming Flemish town. Just before node 8 you will pass the reconstruction of a switch house from the First World War on the border.
Camping Tourist landmark Bicycle cafe

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
92 (2387, Baarle-Hertog, Flanders, Belgium) 0.00 km
92 (North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.25 km
97 (Oordeel-Heikant, 5111PC, Baarle-Nassau, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 2.16 km
78 (Pineind, 5111PJ, Baarle-Nassau, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 4.19 km
85 (Groot Bedaf, 5111PG, Baarle-Nassau, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 6.33 km
51 (2382, Ravels, Flanders, Belgium) 6.65 km


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