Middelheers, Greater Gelmen and Borgloon

Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium

Cycling route: 133647

Provided by: Groots Genieten

47.1 km
02:46 h
831 kcal
118 m


Heers is a town in the beautiful province of Limburg in Belgium. The village is best known for its thirteenth-century castle. Heers and the castle were destroyed by the troops of Charles the Bold in 1467. A farm from Heers was transferred to Bokrijk and rebuilt there as an entrance to the open-air museum. Borgloon is a village near Heers. The name Loon comes from the Germanic Lauhun, which means wooded hill. Borg comes from the word burgt and with that the village refers to its origin.
Traditionally, there was a castle on a wooded hill. The village was first mentioned in 1078. Around 1200, a second rampart was built around the castle. In the course of the thirteenth century, Loon lost almost all of its financial significance as a mint to Hasselt. Even the title as the county's capital was transferred to Hasselt. Borgloon is currently known as the care centre of the region.
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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
156 (Alfonsstraat, 3840, Borgloon, Flanders, Belgium) 0.00 km
132 (3700, Tongeren, Flanders, Belgium) 2.45 km
133 (3870, Heers, Flanders, Belgium) 4.22 km
157 (3870, Heers, Flanders, Belgium) 6.55 km
285 (Heers, Flanders, Belgium) 8.30 km
536 (Donkerstraat, 3870, Heers, Flanders, Belgium) 9.47 km


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