Mobility scooter route'Dieteren, IJzerenbosch, Susteren\\' (Central Limburg, NL)

Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 1314424

Provided by: Paul, Limburg

33.6 km
01:58 h
592 kcal
49 m


Mobility scooter route'Dieteren, IJzerenbosch, Susteren\\' (Central Limburg, NL)

Basic distance 33 km. Also: 21.8 km, 26 km and 28.8 km. See'abbreviations\\'

Starting point
Kerkstraat (no house number), Susteren. This is the address for the navigation. However, the starting point is not Susteren, but the parking lot in the Kerkstraat near the church of Dieteren (knp 11) (coordinates 51.075452, 5.8307). From Maastricht this is 33 km; from Eindhoven 60 km, and from Roermond 20 km. From the A2, exit 46 Roosteren / Susteren, this is 2.5 km. If you drive 2 km after leaving the A2, after the traffic lights, in the direction of Susteren, you turn LA at the intersection with the next traffic lights and you automatically drive into the Kerkstraat. If you then continue for 200 meters, you will see the parking lot near the church. Here is also node 11.
You get on the route as follows. You drive from the parking lot, with the church on the left, further into Dieteren. This is to Junction 6.

The route is on asphalt, sometimes on cycle paths without cars in the area, and sometimes on separate wide concrete cycle paths.

Route indication with nodes
FROM DIETEREN (municipality of Susteren)
o Kerkstraat Susteren (= Dieteren)
o from parking lot (junction 11),
--- with church on left,
--- continue into Dieteren to junction 06
o 06 - (crossing) - 09 - dir 24
o (after 2.2 km: cross over to cycle path RA)
o 24 - dir. 22 - after 800 m, just before the roundabout:
--- do not follow sign RA, but
--- go LA; di to Maria Hoop
o 01 - (2 x crossing) - 22 - 20 - r 16
o in Susteren, 400 m after the level crossing:
--- LA (inconspicuous sign behind tree)
o after 400 m TKr: do not follow sign RA,
--- but go LA
o after 300 m, after a right-angle bend (red-white bar):
--- immediately over LA bridge and
--- immediately LA again (Elzenweg) - 16 - dir. 11
o after 1.5 km: do not follow sign crossing hw,
--- but go RA along the cycle path, later parallel road
o after 500 m: RA dir. Susteren (cycling direction sign)
o always follow'centrum\\\' (cycling direction sign)
o in the center (Marktstraat) RD and
--- at artwork (stacked boulders):
--- LA (not 20 RA)
o after 600 m: through tunnel RD (so not to Echt)
o after 1 km traffic lights: RA: end

You have four crossings where you have to take a moment to cross safely. You have a sufficient overview every time. There is also no slope that is too steep.
The first time is 5.5 km after the starting point (WP2), namely from junction 06 to 09. The crossing is RD, but cyclists are first led briefly to the right, then sharply to the left to cross. You can also ignore this and just simply cross RD. At this crossing the main road has more traffic than at the following turns.
The second time goes from node 09 to 24, namely after'Abbey Lilbosch\\\' and the low living quarters of a psychiatric institution. Before cyclists cross here, they are first guided to the left side of the road onto a short cycle path. Here is the junction sign. The crossing can be done in two stages thanks to the intermediate piece.
There is hardly any traffic on the third and fourth time. The location is between 01 and 22.

Note 1
This hand bike route requires quite a lot of text in the route designation. Still, I kept it because of the beautiful pieces in it. Deviation from the junction route is either to avoid an unpaved stretch or to avoid a difficult crossing (with an almost impossible crossing later on). A second time by Susteren can therefore not be avoided.
Note 2
Sometimes the junction sign is on the left side of the road and is less noticeable.

You first go through a piece of Dieteren. This is followed by a long stretch through a semi-open landscape with a single village. Even before junction 20, the cycle path starts through the beautiful IJzerenbosch with contiguous vegetation. You then go through a part of Susteren, after which another beautiful piece follows with again contiguous vegetation. After a piece of open countryside you follow a main road and you drive through Susteren again, now in a different part. After this you cycle along a main road to your end point.

Shortening 1 26 km (33 min 7)
Delete' dir. 22\\\' through'(2x crossing)'

Shortening 2 28.8 km  (33 minus 4.2)
Replace' - after 400 m TKr' through' end' by
o after 400 m TKr: RA dir 16
o after 300 m (stacked stone blocks):
--- do not follow the LA sign, but go RD
o after 600 m: through tunnel RD (so not to Echt)
o after 1 km traffic lights: RA: end

Shortenings 1 and 2 together 21.8 km (33 min 11.2)

catering industry
There are catering establishments in the center of Susteren.

Editor Paul de Jong
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Routes especially for mobility scooters
Because not all road situations are suitable for mobility scooter users, special routes are required for them, including special route information. At the same time, the special nature of these routes is the reason that it is sometimes necessary to deviate from the junctions.
In addition to the basic distance, most routes have one or more short cuts. A scooter user can choose the distance that his or her means of transport can handle. Only the basic distance is drawn on the route map.
The routes originated from hand bike routes (\\'\\'). Handbikers are on the road in approximately the same conditions as scooters. However, hand bike routes that (partly) go over narrow cycle paths have been omitted from the mobility scooter routes.

Route information
The route information is next to the map under the heading'Description\\' (so not'Directions\\\'). Click'show more\\' and everything will appear. The core of this route information is the'Route designation\\'. This is exactly how you should drive.
If you are using a GPS navigation device (e.g. Garmin), download the GPX file to your device. You will then be guided over the roads of the route on the screen of your device. However, this screen only shows the basic route. If you drive a shortening or extension, you must use the route information for the journey.
When using a GPS navigation device, it is important to read the route indication along the way because of special road situations.
If you do not use a GPS device, you can download the route to your smartphone via the'\\\' app. Enter the route number in the'\\\' search box. Download the offline version. With this version you can switch off your (expensive) mobile data while on the road and still follow the'Route indication\\\' and other route information. You can find this information on your smartphone at the bottom.
If you do not use a smartphone for your route information, then you should in any case print the'Route indication\\\' section or the'Shortening\\\' or'Extension\' section for the journey. \'. If you want to edit the layout before printing, copy what you want to print. You paste this into a Word document and edit it the way you want it to be able to follow the route properly along the way. Then comes printing. You can then attach the paper to your scooter.
Abbreviations in the route designation include: ri = direction; hw = main road; knp = node; di = this is.

Requirements that the routes meet
no bumpy or difficult road surface, unless extremely short;
no ramps or slopes that are too steep;
no difficult or dangerous crossing points, except once in the expansion;
description of suitable parking space(s) for the start;
indications of special situations;
usually a basic distance of 25 to 35 km.

Height Profile


# Description Distance
11 (Kerkstraat, 6114JT, Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
6 (Spoorstraat, 6101VS, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 4.49 km
9 (6102RN, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 6.98 km
24 (6102RH, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 9.36 km
1 (Diergaarderstraat Zuid, 6105BK, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 14.49 km
22 (6104RB, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 19.23 km


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