WML - Susteren & Roosteren

Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 1308169

based on 4 reviews

Provided by: WML

55.1 km
03:14 h
970 kcal
41 m


These two sources, Roosteren and Susteren, provide drinking water for parts of Central and South Limburg. Careful handling of the soil is therefore important here. That is why the groundwater protection area runs from the Belgian border right through the Netherlands all the way to the German border.

This route crosses the entire groundwater protection area with WML pumping stations at various locations. The unique thing about Roosteren is that drinking water is made from both groundwater and Maas water.

The cycle route takes you past three important water sources for Central and South Limburg, namely the Roosteren, Susteren and Pey-Echt pumping stations. At this last location, the groundwater is hidden away under a layer of clay at a depth of around 80 to over 200 metres.

Enjoy this bike ride, but responsibly. That means:

  • stay on roads and paths;
  • do not damage plants;
  • take your rubbish with you;
  • keep the dog on a leash and pick up after it.

Discover where your water comes from at limburgsdrinkwater.nl .


Height Profile


Limburg drinking water


# Description Distance
Parkeerplaats (6101AB, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
4 (6101AB, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 0.50 km
6 (Spoorstraat, 6101VS, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 6.78 km
9 (6102RN, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 9.25 km
24 (6102RH, Echt, Limburg, The Netherlands) 11.63 km
72 (6105BG, Echt-Susteren, Limburg, The Netherlands) 12.32 km


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