TIP-Eastermar, round trip on the Tike

Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, The Netherlands

Hiking route: 1274198

Provided by: TIP Eastemar, Friesland

10.5 km
02:37 h
595 kcal
1 m


This route takes you along quiet roads, cycle paths and narrow footpaths.
If necessary, you can also adjust the route:

At the Sumarderwei you can turn right earlier and walk via a footpath (recognizable by the orange Staatsbosbeheer signs) to the Mienskerwei. However, this is not on the map.

On the way back, where the Mienkserwei makes a 90 degree turn to the left, you can also choose to walk via the Kroesepad to the bridge at Eastermar. Then go to the right through the gate and walk towards the Leien and at the end of the straight road follow the path to the left towards the Lits. However, the Kroesepad is forbidden for dogs.
Arable farming, pasture or grassland Water Polder Picnic route

Height Profile

-12 m50 m

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Your starting point


9261VM Tytsjerksteradiel

Parkeerplaats centrum

Teije Tolstraat
9261VE Tytsjerksteradiel


Elte Martens Beimastrjitte
9261VG Tytsjerksteradiel


# Description Distance
Snakkerbuorren, 9261VM, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, The Netherlands 0.00 km
23 (Susterwei, 9262SJ, De Tike, Friesland, The Netherlands) 5.24 km
29 (Master de Jongwei, 9219VM, De Tike, Friesland, The Netherlands) 5.65 km
28 (9219VP, De Tike, Friesland, The Netherlands) 6.72 km
55 (9219VP, Sumar, Friesland, The Netherlands) 7.40 km
Snakkerbuorren, 9261VM, Tytsjerksteradiel, Friesland, The Netherlands 10.47 km


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