Natural beauty in the Elsenerveen

Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 127218

based on 13 reviews

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29.2 km
01:43 h
515 kcal
40 m


This route takes you through Markelo, a popular place for tourists. Old monuments such as farms, manors with outbuildings and historical burial grounds have been well preserved. Enough to see in Markelo.

The Elsenerveld
The surrounding nature is also more than worth it. During this tour, you will cycle right through the Elsenerveld and -veen with eye-catching, special plants. You will find gentian, sundew and cotton grass. There are also many birds living in this quiet area: pheasants, nuthatches, various types of tits and woodpeckers and much more. Admire the buzzards that hunt for juicy mice in the open areas, the cranes and geese that fly over to breeding and resting places and the shy deer that hide between the bushes.

\\\'t White Cover
After twenty kilometers you cycle past Restaurant Bowling't Witte Hoes, just outside Rijssen. Tired of all the exercise? Then take a break here with a light cappuccino, a nice cup of tea and cake. You deserve it after all that cycling. You can also go there for a more extensive bite to eat. The lunch and dinner menu offer a sufficient choice of tasty dishes. A little further on is a narrow-gauge railway from 1907. Brick factories used to transport their raw materials over this railway.

The Hope
In Markelo you will find the old octagonal mill De Hoop, also known as the Molen van Buursink. The corn mill was built in 1839 and ground on wind power until 1924. In that year, an electric motor was installed in the tower mill. After that, the mill fell into disrepair. By the end of the twentieth century, only the mill body was left. The Friends of the Molen van Buursink Foundation then had the mill restored to its former glory. In order to prevent further disrepair, a volunteer miller now regularly grinds with the mill, which contains one pair of mesh stones. A nice sight to visit during your bike ride.

Forest Cultural routes Nature Route Parking Bicycle cafe Tourist train station Windmill

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Parkeerplaats (De Poppe, 7451SW, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
9 (7451SX, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 1.70 km
9 (Veenweg, 7451SX, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 1.98 km
25 (7475SG, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 4.64 km
25 (Leusmanweg, 7475RZ, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 4.73 km
26 (7475BV, Hof van Twente, Overijssel, The Netherlands) 6.84 km


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