A hilly landscape with beautiful stream valleys, steep slopes and rich soil consisting of fertile loess, silex and limestone, that can only be in Limburg. Cycling through this province means cycling over hills, to peaks and valleys, from one striking place in history to the next location seems even more important. Be amazed by the natural heritage of the South Limburg National Landscape, an area covering a total of 44,523 hectares and encompassing the southernmost part of the Netherlands. The famous tourist attraction Valkenburg is also in the area and when cycling through the area you will find sunken roads and beautiful standard orchards. It is a landscape full of half-timbered farms, chapels and crucifixes, and cultural history plays an important role: processions and shooting festivals are regularly organized. The Sint-Antoniusbank neighborhood deserves extra attention. The hamlet consists of about 40 houses and belonged to the municipality of Heer en Keer until 1827, but then it became the municipality of Cadier en Keer. In 1982, the Cadier en Keer municipality fell under the municipality of Margraten, which merged with Eijsden in 2011. There are many historical elements in the hamlet, if you know where to look. Despite its small scale, you can find two closed square farms there, but also a monumental farm that dates back to the seventeenth century despite its nineteenth-century construction, a former monastery in which apartments have been created and an old farm with the remains of a square tower and a covered well. .