Old Beijerland, Barendrecht and Hoogvliet

Hoeksche Waard, South Holland, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 122280

based on 2 reviews

Provided by: route.nl

33.9 km
01:59 h
597 kcal
8 m


Spijkenisse is a town and municipality in South Holland and is located in the middle of the Rhine and Meuse delta. This area has been inhabited for a very long time: according to archaeological research, the first traces of habitation date back approximately 10,000 years. The cycle route largely follows Spijkenisse. The Hongerlandsedijk offers a beautiful view of the Oude Maas. The Beerenplaat is a species-rich nature reserve (grienden) on the southern bank of the Oude Maas. Directly adjacent to it is the Willemspolder. The western part of Putten is still wonderfully empty and vast. There are a few beautiful national monuments to visit in the area, such as the Dorpskerk and the Nooitgedacht mill. This route, which is more than 35 kilometers long, starts at Profile Sjaak Snel. Before you start the long cycle tour, we advise you to have your bike thoroughly inspected by the bicycle specialist. That way you can be sure that you can safely complete your route.
Bicycle maintenance Restaurant

Height Profile


# Description Distance
Profile Sjaak Snel (Ooststraat, 3261KM, Hoeksche Waard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
18 (3261KA, Hoeksche Waard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 0.32 km
‘t Land van Wale Restaurant (Hofweg, 3274 BK, Hoeksche Waard, South Holland, The Netherlands) 5.25 km
26 (2993AZ, Barendrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands) 8.62 km
27 (Tunnelpad, 2993AZ, Barendrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands) 9.52 km
15 (2993AL, Barendrecht, South Holland, The Netherlands) 11.72 km


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