Tour of Kampina and Veldersbos

Boxtel, North Brabant, The Netherlands

Cycling route: 115572

based on 7 reviews

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38.4 km
02:15 h
676 kcal
16 m


This beautiful cycling route through the De Kampina nature reserve starts at Fiets En Wandelcafé'T Groene Woud. Along the way you will also discover the splendor of the Balsvoort, with field edges that are densely covered with all kinds of herbs. In the summer months you can enjoy a colorful sea of flowers here. How different is the Smalbroeken area, through which the cycle route also leads. The Beerze stream finds its way here naturally. Nature is given a helping hand by fish ladders. This allows the animals swimming in the stream to move upstream and downstream more easily. The moist, old deciduous forest Veldersbos also has its own character. This forest was created around 1750 and developed into an estate with coach house and park. The entire country estate is a national monument.
Arable farming, pasture or grassland Forest Heather Water Nature Route Pancake house Bicycle cafe

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Below you will find various suggestions for breaks that you can visit during your route. These are divided into different categories, making it easy for you to choose.


# Description Distance
Fiets En Wandelcafé 'T Groene Woud (Kasterensestraat, 5298 NV, Boxtel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 0.00 km
60 (Slophoosweg, 5491ZK, Meierijstad, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 1.44 km
61 (5491VC, Meierijstad, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 2.65 km
54 (Hezelaarsestraat, 5298NL, Boxtel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 5.55 km
53 (Vendelstraat, 5298CX, Boxtel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 6.12 km
56 (Vendelstraat, 5298CW, Boxtel, North Brabant, The Netherlands) 6.33 km


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