Landwinkel en Camping Waterbuffelfarm
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Landwinkel en Camping Waterbuffelfarm

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Landwinkel and Camping Waterbuffelfarm is located on the edge of Overijssel, Drenthe and Friesland. The small-scale SVR campsite opened in the spring of 2020 and can accommodate guests aged 18 and over. There is a beautiful and modern sanitary building. There is also a country shop on site. Here you have a large choice of (local) regional products from the farm. The range consists of various types of (free-range) meat, dairy, juices, cheese, fruit, vegetables and other delicacies. About 95 water buffalo are kept on the farm. You are invited to see how well the buffalo are cared for on the farm.

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Hareweg 6a
8375 EA Steenwijkerland
Overijssel The Netherlands

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