Hotel Eetcafé Zalencentrum Onder de Linden

Hotel Eetcafé Zalencentrum Onder de Linden

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Hotel, Eetcafe and Zalencentrum Onder de Linden is located on the historic Brink in the Drenthe Esdorp Roden. In the area of Roden you will find a typical Esdorpen landscape with agricultural areas, pastures for cattle and numerous historic villages. All of this is interspersed with small-scale nature reserves. Take a bike ride or a walk through this beautiful area and then relax at Onder de Linden on the spacious terrace or the eetcafe. Coffee and cake, drinks, lunch or dinner at Onder de Linden.. It's all possible. Onder de Linden guarantees cozy and atmospheric enjoyment. After dinner you can relax in the cozy (eet)cafe or the nearby wooded area. Or you can retreat to your room to rest. Because you can also spend the night at Onder de Linden. The hotel has 26 rooms. The next day you will feel reborn.

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Brink 27
9301 JK Noordenveld
Drenthe The Netherlands

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