

The Woudschepolder, which was reclaimed in the 12th and 13th centuries, consists mainly of peat soil. Natural peat water was used for the extraction. When the peat soil settled as a result of the drainage, the inhabitants settled on the higher clay soil that had been deposited in the east and south of the polder during the Roman period. Incidentally, people already lived on these clay courts at the beginning of our era. These higher clay courses can still be discovered. At least three native farms from that period have been excavated during the construction of the A4 motorway. The church village 't Woudt is also situated on a clay lane. The diesel pumping station of the Woudsepolder is "hidden" behind the A4 motorway, near the pumping station of the Harnaschpolder. Both pumping stations discharge into the Harnaschwatering. The old pumping station was replaced in 2010 by a modern, automated pumping station according to the current standard design (with sedum roof covering).

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Gasthuispad 44a
2635CW Midden-Delfland
South Holland The Netherlands

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