De Zalmforel
Bicycle cafe

De Zalmforel

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De Zalmtroel is located in Geervliet, the South Holland island of Voorne-Putten. There is a beautiful terrace with a view of the fishing pond. The salmon trout here weigh about 1 kilogram and are between 45 and 55 cm in size. You can fish here with the casting rod, but also with the fly fishing rod. The method will be gladly explained to you if you have never fished for trout before. De Zalmtroel is a wonderful place to relax during your bike ride with a snack and drink. You will also find a charging point for your electric bicycle here. Find our opening times on the website.

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Oud Hoenderhoeksedijk 3
3211 LH Nissewaard
South Holland The Netherlands

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