Country house
Huize Voormeer
It is not known exactly when Voormeer was founded. After the construction of the Schoterlandse Compagnonsvaart, 1550 - 1566, it was possible to start with this. The fact that it was a considerable house in 1664 can be seen in a drawing from that year and in 1687 the grietenij Aengwirden was referred to as Jonkerhuys. The Jonkershuys was inhabited for a long time by the Van Heloma family. In 1755 the old building was demolished and replaced by the current one and in 1780 it was modernized in the Louis XVI style. After the death of the last resident, Marcus van Heloma, the house stood empty until 1940. Due to the construction of the Leeuwarden - Meppel highway, the coach house was demolished. In 1977 the house was restored inside and in 2009 - 2010 also the outside. The property is not accessible
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8441 GN Heerenveen
Friesland The Netherlands
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