Tourist idea

De Tungelroyse beek

The strongly meandering Tungelroyse Beek flows through the area. This brook is the artery of the water management of Central Limburg. It has its source on the border area with Belgium. and flows under the name Neerbeek into the Maas. In 1999, one of the largest stream restoration operations in the Netherlands was started; the remediation and redevelopment of the Tungelroyse brook. Over a total length of 30 kilometers, work was done in phases to restore the original shape over a 12-year period. The tortuous shape is called meandering. The soil was cleared of contamination and improvements were made for better habitability for flora and fauna. In addition, much attention was paid to the recreational possibilities of the Tungelroyse brook. As a result, the Tungelroyse Beek has become a true paradise.

Visit us

Tungeler Dorpsstraat
6005 PP Weert
Limburg The Netherlands

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