Forelvisserij Maurik
Bicycle cafe

Forelvisserij Maurik

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Great waterfront location for delicious lunch or dinner like you wouldn't expect. Freshly baked or smoked trout, and of course also dishes for the non-meat or vegetarian eater. For walkers and cyclists also a nice stop for a cup of coffee with cake, smoked trout sandwich, trout salad. But various snacks are also available here. It is also nice to enjoy the surroundings alone with a cup of tea or a glass of wine under the old willow tree. Our location is a beautiful fishing pond for young and old. You can fish for trout or as an experienced fisherman for the sturgeon, European catfish, carp or other whitefish.

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Forelvisserij Maurik 6
4021 AK Buren
Gelderland The Netherlands

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