Foot and bicycle springs

Fiets- en voetveerpont Molletjesveer

With the self-service ferry Molletjesveer you cross the Nauernasche Vaart. As early as 1634, the 'Octroye' (permit) was granted to take visitors here from one side to the other. In that year the canal was dug to drain the water of the Schermer, which was drained during that period. Ferry Molletjesveer is a self-service ferry that moves (slowly) by turning a large wheel with which you pull the ferry along a chain to the other side. That is usually a lot of work. It is therefore a self-service chain ferry but also a cable ferry. Sailing schedule: mid-April to mid-October between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Current information can be found on the website:

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1525 PX Zaanstad
North Holland The Netherlands

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