
Het kasteel van Loppem

Whoever says Zedelgem, says Castle of Loppem. This is the only Belgian castle of which both the exterior and interior is still in its original state. Baron Charles van Caloen had it built between 1859 and 1862 and gave the then very popular neo-gothic style a Flemish touch. This castle played an important role in the history of Belgium. In 1918 this was the headquarters of the Belgian army and the so-called 'Government of Loppem'. Even King Albert I and Queen Elisabeth stayed there, but Loppem Castle still stands firmly with its feet in the present. Not only can you take a look inside, but you can also stroll through the English landscape park or get lost in the 19th-century green maze, created for the noble brood.

Visit us

Kasteel van Loppem 26
8210 Zedelgem
Flanders Belgium

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