Buytenplaets Suydersee

Buytenplaets Suydersee

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Buytenplaets Suydersee is a nice campsite where you can spend the night in all kinds of different ways, beautifully integrated into the natural environment. A tree tent, tree house, bush camping, city camping, cottages and huts under the name'polder roof\\\'... you can go in all directions here. The diverse offer makes this location unique. On the border of city and forest you will be amazed by the nature that Flevoland offers, and that within the built-up area of Lelystad. A great base for exploring rural Flevoland or the Oostvaardersplassen on foot and by bike. Be surprised and experience a special overnight stay in the youngest province of the Netherlands!

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Badweg 1
8223 PA Lelystad
Flevoland The Netherlands

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