Pannenkoekbakkerij Reuvershoeve
Pancake house

Pannenkoekbakkerij Reuvershoeve

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Pannenkoekbakkerij Reuvershoeve is a wonderful stop on your walking and cycling route. Literally! Anyone who looks into the kitchen through the glass wall sees it immediately: all frying pans on the fire. Frying pans that are used for nothing more than the famous Reuvershoeve pancakes and in which the batter and filling are baked under the watchful eye of the chef. You will find more than 60 types of artisan pancakes on the menu: from traditional pancakes with apple or bacon to the 'Specials', such as 'Pancake Carpaccio' or 'Pancake Schwarzwalder '. Adventurous pancakes, perfect for a cycling or walking tour along special discoveries in the IJssel valley!

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Wapsumsestraat 199
6971 JT Brummen
Gelderland The Netherlands

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