Hanzestad Arnhem
Hanseatic city

Hanzestad Arnhem

Arnhem is the bustling capital of Gelderland. There is always something going on here. At the beginning of the Middle Ages, Arnhem was a farming community. Arable farming and livestock farming were the main livelihoods for the residents of Arnhem. Arnhem was granted city rights in 1233 and a few decades later the city was surrounded by a city wall. At the beginning of the 14th century, Arnhem developed as the most important city of the Veluwe. Arable farming and livestock farming was gradually exchanged for trade via land and water and Arnhem joined the Hanseatic League. This alliance was a collaboration between various Dutch and foreign cities to promote trade and protect merchants. From this time you will find special sights in Arnhem. Forty medieval cellars have been restored to their former glory and connected to each other. You will also find beautiful buildings and lots of fun. Even taste the atmosphere in Arnhem.

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Gelderland The Netherlands

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