Amerongse Bos
Nature reserve

Amerongse Bos

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The Amerongse Bos is one of the oldest forests on the Utrechtse Heuvelrug. That in itself is not so special because most of the forests on the Heuvelrug are only about a hundred years old. The Amerongse Bos, however, stands head and shoulders above this: some Scots pines date from 1770. The forest owes its age to the lords of the castle Amerongen, located in the Amerongse Bovenpolder. They had the forest constructed for hunting. Besides its age, the Amerongse Bos has another special feature. The forest is located on the 69 meter high Amerongse Berg, the highest point of the Utrechtse Heuvelrug.

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Eenzame Eik 28-1
3958 ET Utrechtse Heuvelrug
Utrecht The Netherlands

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