Tourist idea

Vistrappen – stuw Junne

Fish ladders are diversions around a weir that allow fish to swim freely up and down the river. These diversions were constructed here when the Vecht was canalized. The construction of weirs created areas where fish could no longer swim out or in on their own. At the time, not much attention was paid to it. The interest of the water boards in natural values such as the life of fish has only been aroused in recent years. Once the water boards realized that this situation was not good for the animals, they installed fish ladders. Nowadays, fish can travel the difference in height from the weir to the river step by step, as if they were swimming down a flight of stairs. In this way, fish can swim freely again in the vicinity of a weir. In addition, it also looks very artful. The fish ladder in Junne is definitely worth a visit.

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Overijsselsche Vecht
7737 PV Ommen
Overijssel The Netherlands

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