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Stevenshof is located on an estate that used to be the domain of shepherds. About a century ago, there was a large farm here that was later converted into a monastery by a Limburg sister congregation. The former church of Stevensbeek can still be found on the grounds. Nowadays, you can spend the night in the characteristic buildings on the estate. You can cook for yourself in these accommodations in the fully equipped kitchen or use the meal service and grocery shopping service for that real holiday feeling. There is a wonderful peace and quiet at Stevenshof and in the forests and at the recreational lakes in the area. A wonderful place to enjoy nature. Do you still feel the need for the hustle and bustle of the cities after a while? Then you can visit the nearby cities of Nijmegen, Boxmeer and Venray. You can also visit Toverland with the children or take a look at Aardbeienland.

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5844 AN Sint Anthonis
North Brabant The Netherlands

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