Philips Museum - Centrum Kunstlicht in de Kunst
In the middle of the center, in the small factory where Gerard Philips made the first Philips light bulb in 1891, you will find the Philips Museum. It tells the story of more than 125 years of innovation and entrepreneurship. Present, past and future come together here in a contemporary and authentic way. During guided tours and in the old factory, volunteers enthusiastically show how Philips grew from an ambitious young company that made lamps into an electrotechnical concern and a world player in the field of health technology. A short documentary about Philips during the Second World War can be seen in the cinema room. With augmented reality in the Philips Design Tour you will learn more about the background of the famous Philips design. The interactive iPad game Mission Eureka lets you solve different challenges with a group. And for children aged 4 to 8 there is the Lampjes Speurtocht. In addition, there are regularly special activities on the weekend, such as Vintage Philips Weekend, Health Lab, Mad Science and Museum Kids Factory. Check the agenda on the website for this.
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5611AZ Eindhoven
North Brabant The Netherlands
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