Kasteelmuseum Boxmeer
No fewer than two cultural institutions are located in Boxmeer castle. The Museum Municipality of Boxmeer and the Castle Museum of the Congregation of the Sisters of Julie Postel. In the museum you will learn everything about the rich history of Boxmeer. There are various archaeological finds to admire from the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as Roman coins. The Castle Museum tells more about the eventful history of the castle and its residents. As far back as Roman times, there was a castellum here on a motte, a man-made elevation in the landscape. Due to its strategic position at the borders of Germany and the province of Limburg, there was a castle on this site in the Middle Ages, which was regularly besieged, destroyed and rebuilt over the centuries. In the eighteenth century, a country house was eventually built in its place, retaining the old seventeenth-century knight's hall. This part can still be visited with a guide.
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5831JN Boxmeer
North Brabant The Netherlands
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