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This castle was built in the sixteenth century, but the estate has probably been around since the fifteenth century. The building was renovated in the eighteenth century and then it got its current appearance. The brick main building has a mansard roof and an imposing tower. The Austrian spire was only erected in 1970. There used to be several fish ponds in the park garden that were connected to the Geleenbeek. Now there is only one pond left of that. On the site, next to the castle, there is another castle farm that was built in the seventeenth century. Rumors have it that Rijmersbeek Castle was the meeting place of the so-called Circle of Reijmersbeek. This mysterious society is said to consist of nobility, regents and clergy, all of them influential Roman Catholics. They were concerned about the course that the Limburg ecclesiastical province was taking from the 1960s and they tried to influence this. The story goes that they played an important role in the appointment of Dr. Joannes Matthijs Gijsen as bishop of Roermond.

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Kasteel Reijmersbeek
6361HD Beekdaelen
Limburg The Netherlands

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