Sint-Ludgerkerk, hervormd
Old Groninger Churches

Sint-Ludgerkerk, hervormd

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This Romano-Gothic hall church on the mound of the old village of 'Granawurth' has a large gable-roof tower from the 18th century on the west side that replaces an older tower. The east side is closed by a five-sided choir. There is still one original window in the south wall. In addition to the organ, the church has beautiful furniture from the 17th and 18th centuries, including a small Baroque communion table.

Key address (es):
A. vd Meijden, Hunzeweg 8, 9893 PC, GARNWERD, tel. 0594-622091

HJ Zeevalking, Burg. Brouwersstraat 2, 9893 PG, GARNWERD, tel. 0594-621716

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Sint-Ludgerkerk 1
9893PE Westerkwartier
Groningen The Netherlands

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