Liberation Route

L112: De koelbloedige tuinman

On September 19, the Germans launched a counter-attack against the British from Nuenen. The Germans wanted to prevent the British from advancing to Arnhem. To reach Eindhoven and Son the Germans had to cross the river Dommel. That could be done via a bridge, but the question was whether that was safe. They sent a half-track reconnaissance unit to see if the bridge was strong enough to carry heavy equipment. Here the German scouts met gardener Willem Hikspoors. Willem was a gardener on the Soeterbeek estate and managed to convince the Germans that the bridge was not strong enough. In this way he slowed down the Germans and saved the son of the squire who was considered a spy by the Germans. Willem received an award for his smart performance and the bridge was named after him.

Visit us

Willem Hikspoorsbrug
5674NH Nuenen c.a.
North Brabant The Netherlands

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