
De Warkense Molen

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The Warkense Molen was built in 1878. Fairly soon after construction, the mill was assisted by a petroleum engine to be able to grind even when there was no wind. This engine was installed in 1899 in a small engine room inside the mill. In 1922 a larger engine room was built outside the mill. This room is still there between the mill and the bakery museum. Yet for a long time wind power played the leading role in this mill. Later only in wartime milling was done exclusively on wind power. For the rest, milling was mainly done with machine grinding companies. In the 1980s, wind-powered milling was last used for the animal feed company when the machine mill was temporarily broken. The mill has been restored several times over the years. For example, the wooden blades of the mill were replaced by metal blades and the wooden mill shaft was replaced by a cast iron shaft.

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Warkense Molen
7231PK Zutphen
Gelderland The Netherlands

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