Op pad in Het Eperholt

Epe, Gelderland, Nederland

Wandelroute: 5077710

Aangeboden door: De Ossenstal

12.0 km
03:00 h
683 kcal
55 m


Numerous animals can be found in Eperholt, including the beautiful red deer for which the Veluwe is known. Also climb the Haelberg lookout tower!

De Ossenstal proves that a pancake restaurant doesn't just have to be old Dutch. With the beautiful sedum roof and the eco construction, it is a very modern building that blends beautifully into nature. From here you will discover the Eperholt, a heath reclamation forest that was created for wood production. Now you will find a varied forest with different tree species of different ages. Wild boars and red deer, hares and woodpeckers live there - who knows, you might spot a few!

Watchtower Veluwe
Just before the end of the route you will pass the Haelberg lookout tower, high on the Haelberg. From here you look out over the beautiful Eperholt nature reserve. From above it looks like one green forest. This way you can really see what an enormously extensive forest area the Veluwe actually is. Back at Pannenkoekenrestaurant De Ossenstal you can enjoy a drink on the beautiful natural terrace near the playground. Or slide in for a pancake!



# Beschrijving Afstand
Ossenweg, Epe, Gelderland, Nederland 0.00 km
Ossenweg, Epe, Gelderland, Nederland 12.03 km

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