Dommel Rondje(3/6 Valkenswaard via Eindhoven

Waalre, Noord-Brabant, Nederland

Wandelroute: 5027821

Aangeboden door: Henry, Noord-Brabant

54.9 km
13:43 h
3121 kcal
33 m


This is part three of the 6 cycling tours, to get to know the Dommel from its starting point until it ends in the Maas, together with the Keersop, Tongelreep and the Kleine Dommel in 's-Hertogenbosch.

This time we take the starting point in Waalre, which also owes its origins to the Dommel; namely in the year 707 the knight Argibaldus donated a piece of land to Willibrordus. This land was located where the Old Church now stands, but at the time it was still made of wood. Nowadays there is still a church path from the spot where the castle once stood (Dommelseweg 5) to the church.

It has been almost 80 years, but this old church also houses the monument of the Brabant fallen. You will also find the statue of the famous writer Antoon Coolen under the oldest mechanical clock and clock. Waalre also has a Dreefstraat, where the farms around the Markt used to be with its water pump. The cattle were driven via this lane to the fertile land on the Dommel. The Franks also realized this and so the hamlet't Loon (Frankenplein) located on the Kerkpad was created.

We wish you lots of cycling fun!

For more tours, visit the LF Cycling Club website:



# Beschrijving Afstand
Waalre, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 0.00 km
Waalre, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 54.91 km


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