Cycling around Bakel, Deurne and Helmond

Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland

Fietsroute: 4559200

Aangeboden door: Hans

48.3 km
02:50 h
852 kcal
30 m


The starting point of this route is Eetcafé De Gouden Leeuw Bakel. Start here with a cup of coffee and a snack before getting on the bike. From Bakel you cycle to Deurne. Along the way you will pass the Johanna-Elisabeth windmill, a round stone windmill with a bottle-shaped windmill body located on the Molenhuisweg in Vlierden. Then you cycle straight through cozy Helmond. The last part of the route you cycle through the green: through the Grotelsche Bos. In the south of this area is the Aarlesche Vijver, which is a pond created by sand extraction. So you come through a cozy village and you cycle through the forest. In short: this is a wonderful, varied route for cycling. Lots of fun!



# Beschrijving Afstand
Sint Wilbertsplein, Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 0.00 km
Sint Wilbertsplein, Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 48.35 km


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