Around Helmond

Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland

Fietsroute: 4294972

Aangeboden door: Jeanne, Noord-Brabant

48.4 km
02:50 h
853 kcal
26 m


This route takes you through the natural surroundings of Helmond. The Laurentia is the first sight you encounter. It is a flour mill from 1893. Further on you pass Berkendonk, a recreational lake surrounded by forest. You will then cycle through the fresh-smelling coniferous forest of the Brouwhuissche Heide. Just before junction 4 you will pass a medieval moated castle in Helmond. Step off to enjoy the photogenic scene before you drive to Stadspark De Warande. Just before Aarle-Rixtel you pass Croy Castle, which originally dates from the fifteenth century. You cross the Zuid-Willemsvaart, after which you cycle through the Grotelsche Bos and along the Bakelse Plassen. At Op d\\\'n Kreijtenberg Bed & Breakfast you can relax further.



# Beschrijving Afstand
Kreijtenberg, Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 0.00 km
Kreijtenberg, Gemert-Bakel, Noord-Brabant, Nederland 48.42 km


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