Amstel half

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland

Fietsroute: 2445736

Aangeboden door: Ioannis, Noord-Holland

25.5 km
01:29 h
449 kcal
9 m


Video tour

Amstel half , is an ideal bicycle route for those who live in the center of Amsterdam and would like to escape into the nature for a short while by following the Amstel river.

Route duration
  • With short resting stops, the route should take a little over an hour with a gravel bike.
  • You can also make the route with a city bike but that should take a lot longer.

Route characteristics
  • Start/Finish at Rembrandt Park
  • Pass through Hoofddorppleinbuurt to Amsterdam South
  • Cycle along the Amstel river on both sides
  • Don't miss the turn which goes over the bridge along the highway when heading back
  • Minimal car traffic when cycling along the Amstel river
  • Can get crowded on a good weather

Route suggestions
  • Consider a stop at Ouderkerk aan de Amstel before heading back to start/finish
Akkerbouw, weiland of grasland Water Wielrenroute E-bikeroutes



# Beschrijving Afstand
1057AE, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland 0.00 km
81 (IJsbaanpad, 1059 BP, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland) 3.38 km
16 (Piet Kranenbergpad, 1076 CV, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland) 3.92 km
57 (Europaboulevard, 1079MZ, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland) 6.94 km
60 (Amsteldijk Noord, 1083 AB, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland) 8.89 km
61 (1191AC, Amstelveen, Noord-Holland, Nederland) 12.62 km


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